ChildProject.pipelines package
ChildProject.pipelines.anonymize module
- class ChildProject.pipelines.anonymize.AnonymizationPipeline[source]
Anonymize a set of its annotations (input_set) and saves it as output_set.
- DEFAULT_REPLACEMENTS = {'Bar': {'startClockTime': [{'replace_value': '1000-01-01'}, {'only_time': 'true'}]}, 'BarSummary': {'leftBoundaryClockTime': [{'replace_value': '1000-01-01'}, {'only_time': 'true'}], 'rightBoundaryClockTime': [{'replace_value': '1000-01-01'}, {'only_time': 'true'}]}, 'Child': {'DOB': '1000-01-01', 'EnrollDate': '1000-01-01', 'id': 'A999'}, 'ChildInfo': {'dob': '1000-01-01'}, 'FiveMinuteSection': {'endClockTime': [{'replace_value': '1000-01-01'}, {'only_time': 'true'}], 'startClockTime': [{'replace_value': '1000-01-01'}, {'only_time': 'true'}]}, 'ITS': {'fileName': 'new_filename_1001', 'timeCreated': [{'replace_value': '1000-01-01'}, {'only_time': 'true'}]}, 'Item': {'timeStamp': [{'replace_value': '1000-01-01'}, {'only_time': 'true'}]}, 'PrimaryChild': {'DOB': '1000-01-01'}, 'ProcessingJob': {'logfile': 'exec10001010T100010Z_job00000001-10001010_101010_100100.upl.log'}, 'Recording': {'endClockTime': [{'replace_value': '1000-01-01'}, {'only_time': 'true'}], 'startClockTime': [{'replace_value': '1000-01-01'}, {'only_time': 'true'}]}, 'ResourceSnapshot': {'timegmt': [{'replace_value': '1000-01-01'}, {'only_time': 'true'}], 'timelocal': [{'replace_value': '1000-01-01'}, {'only_time': 'true'}]}, 'TransferTime': {'LocalTime': [{'replace_value': '1000-01-01'}, {'only_time': 'true'}], 'UTCTime': [{'replace_value': '1000-01-01'}, {'only_time': 'true'}]}}
ChildProject.pipelines.eafbuilder module
- class ChildProject.pipelines.eafbuilder.EafBuilderPipeline[source]
- run(destination: str, segments: str, eaf_type: str, template: str, context_onset: int = 0, context_offset: int = 0, path: Optional[str] = None, import_speech_from: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]
generate .eaf templates based on intervals to code.
- Parameters:
path (str) – project path
destination (str) – eaf destination
segments (str) – path to the input segments dataframe
eaf_type (str) – eaf-type [random, periodic]
template (str) – name of the template to use (basic, native, or non-native)
context_onset (int) – context onset and segment offset difference in milliseconds, 0 for no introductory context
context_offset (int) – context offset and segment offset difference in milliseconds, 0 for no outro context
- ChildProject.pipelines.eafbuilder.create_eaf(etf_path: str, id: str, output_dir: str, recording_filename: str, timestamps_list: list, eaf_type: str, contxt_on: int, contxt_off: int, speech_segments: Optional[DataFrame] = None, imported_set: Optional[str] = None, imported_format: Optional[str] = None)[source]
ChildProject.pipelines.metrics module
- class ChildProject.pipelines.metrics.AclewMetrics(project: ChildProject, vtc: str = 'vtc', alice: str = 'alice', vcm: str = 'vcm', recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, from_time: Optional[str] = None, to_time: Optional[str] = None, rec_cols: Optional[str] = None, child_cols: Optional[str] = None, period: Optional[str] = None, segments: Optional[Union[str, DataFrame]] = None, by: str = 'recording_filename', threads: int = 1)[source]
ACLEW metrics extractor. Extracts a number of metrics from the ACLEW pipeline annotations, which includes:
The Voice Type Classifier by Lavechin et al. (arXiv:2005.12656)
The Automatic LInguistic Unit Count Estimator (ALICE) by Räsänen et al. (doi:10.3758/s13428-020-01460-x)
The VoCalisation Maturity model (VCMNet) by Al Futaisi et al. (doi:10.1145/3340555.3353751)
- Parameters:
project (ChildProject.projects.ChildProject) – ChildProject instance of the target dataset.
vtc (str) – name of the set associated to the VTC annotations
alice (str) – name of the set associated to the ALICE annotations
vcm (str) – name of the set associated to the VCM annotations
recordings (Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame], optional) – recordings to sample from; if None, all recordings will be sampled, defaults to None
from_time (str, optional) – If specified (in HH:MM:SS format), ignore annotations outside of the given time-range, defaults to None
to_time (str, optional) – If specified (in HH:MM:SS format), ignore annotations outside of the given time-range, defaults to None
rec_cols (str, optional) – comma separated columns from recordings.csv to include in the outputted metrics (optional), recording_filename,session_id,child_id,duration are always included if possible and dont need to be specified. Any column that is not unique for a given unit (eg date_iso for a child_id being recorded on multiple days) will output a <NA> value
child_cols (str, optional) – comma separated columns from children.csv to include in the outputted metrics (optional), None by default
by (str, optional) – unit to extract metric from (recording_filename, experiment, child_id, session_id, segments), defaults to ‘recording_filename’, ‘segments’ is mandatory if passing the segments argument
period (str, optional) – time units to aggregate (optional); equivalent to
freq argument.segments (Union[str, pd.DataFrame], optional) – DataFrame or path to csv file of the segments to extract from, containing ‘recording_filename’, ‘segment_onset’ and ‘segment_offset’ columns. To use this option, the option must be set to ‘segments’. Also, this option cannot be combined with options [recordings,period,from_time,to_time].
threads (int, optional) – amount of threads to run on, defaults to 1
- SUBCOMMAND = 'aclew'
- class ChildProject.pipelines.metrics.CustomMetrics(project: ChildProject, metrics: str, recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, from_time: Optional[str] = None, to_time: Optional[str] = None, rec_cols: Optional[str] = None, child_cols: Optional[str] = None, by: str = 'recording_filename', period: Optional[str] = None, segments: Optional[Union[str, DataFrame]] = None, threads: int = 1)[source]
metrics extraction from a csv file. Extracts a number of metrics listed in a csv file as a dataframe. the csv file must contain the columns : - ‘callable’ which is the name of the wanted metric from the list of available metrics - ‘set’ which is the set of annotations to use for that specific metric (make sure this set has the required columns for that metric) - ‘name’ is optional, this is the name to give to that metric (if not given, a default name will be attributed) - any other necessary argument for the given metrics (eg the voc_speaker_ph metric requires the ‘speaker’ argument: add a column ‘speaker’ in the csv file and fill its cells for this metric with the wanted value (CHI|FEM|MAL|OCH))
- Parameters:
project (ChildProject.projects.ChildProject) – ChildProject instance of the target dataset.
metrics (str) – name of the csv file listing the metrics to extract
recordings (Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame], optional) – recordings to sample from; if None, all recordings will be sampled, defaults to None
from_time (str, optional) – If specified (in HH:MM:SS format), ignore annotations outside of the given time-range, defaults to None
to_time (str, optional) – If specified (in HH:MM:SS format), ignore annotations outside of the given time-range, defaults to None
rec_cols (str, optional) – comma separated columns from recordings.csv to include in the outputted metrics (optional), recording_filename,session_id,child_id,duration are always included if possible and dont need to be specified. Any column that is not unique for a given unit (eg date_iso for a child_id being recorded on multiple days) will output a <NA> value
child_cols (str, optional) – comma separated columns from children.csv to include in the outputted metrics (optional), None by default
by (str, optional) – unit to extract metric from (recording_filename, experiment, child_id, session_id, segments), defaults to ‘recording_filename’, ‘segments’ is mandatory if passing the segments argument
period (str, optional) – time units to aggregate (optional); equivalent to
freq argument.segments (Union[str, pd.DataFrame], optional) – DataFrame or path to csv file of the segments to extract from, containing ‘recording_filename’, ‘segment_onset’ and ‘segment_offset’ columns. To use this option, the option must be set to ‘segments’. Also, this option cannot be combined with options [recordings,period,from_time,to_time].
threads (int, optional) – amount of threads to run on, defaults to 1
- SUBCOMMAND = 'custom'
- class ChildProject.pipelines.metrics.LenaMetrics(project: ChildProject, set: str, recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, from_time: Optional[str] = None, to_time: Optional[str] = None, rec_cols: Optional[str] = None, child_cols: Optional[str] = None, by: str = 'recording_filename', period: Optional[str] = None, segments: Optional[Union[str, DataFrame]] = None, threads: int = 1)[source]
LENA metrics extractor. Extracts a number of metrics from the LENA .its annotations.
- Parameters:
project (ChildProject.projects.ChildProject) – ChildProject instance of the target dataset.
set (str) – name of the set associated to the .its annotations
recordings (Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame], optional) – recordings to sample from; if None, all recordings will be sampled, defaults to None
from_time (str, optional) – If specified (in HH:MM:SS format), ignore annotations outside of the given time-range, defaults to None
to_time (str, optional) – If specified (in HH:MM:SS format), ignore annotations outside of the given time-range, defaults to None
rec_cols (str, optional) – comma separated columns from recordings.csv to include in the outputted metrics (optional), recording_filename,session_id,child_id,duration are always included if possible and dont need to be specified. Any column that is not unique for a given unit (eg date_iso for a child_id being recorded on multiple days) will output a <NA> value
child_cols (str, optional) – comma separated columns from children.csv to include in the outputted metrics (optional), None by default
by (str, optional) – unit to extract metric from (recording_filename, experiment, child_id, session_id, segments), defaults to ‘recording_filename’, ‘segments’ is mandatory if passing the segments argument
period (str, optional) – time units to aggregate (optional); equivalent to
freq argument.segments (Union[str, pd.DataFrame], optional) – DataFrame or path to csv file of the segments to extract from, containing ‘recording_filename’, ‘segment_onset’ and ‘segment_offset’ columns. To use this option, the option must be set to ‘segments’. Also, this option cannot be combined with options [recordings,period,from_time,to_time].
threads (int, optional) – amount of threads to run on, defaults to 1
- SUBCOMMAND = 'lena'
- class ChildProject.pipelines.metrics.Metrics(project: ChildProject, metrics_list: DataFrame, by: str = 'recording_filename', recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, from_time: Optional[str] = None, to_time: Optional[str] = None, rec_cols: Optional[str] = None, child_cols: Optional[str] = None, period: Optional[str] = None, segments: Optional[Union[str, DataFrame]] = None, threads: int = 1)[source]
Main class for generating metrics from a project object and a list of desired metrics
- Parameters:
project (ChildProject.projects.ChildProject) – ChildProject instance of the target dataset.
metrics_list (pd.DataFrame) – pandas DataFrame containing the desired metrics (metrics functions are in
by (str, optional) – unit to extract metric from (recording_filename, experiment, child_id, session_id, segments), defaults to ‘recording_filename’, ‘segments’ is mandatory if passing the segments argument
recordings (Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame], optional) – recordings to sample from; if None, all recordings will be sampled, defaults to None
from_time (str, optional) – If specified (in HH:MM:SS format), ignore annotations outside of the given time-range, defaults to None
to_time (str, optional) – If specified (in HH:MM:SS format), ignore annotations outside of the given time-range, defaults to None
rec_cols (str, optional) – comma separated columns from recordings.csv to include in the outputted metrics (optional), recording_filename,session_id,child_id,duration are always included if possible and dont need to be specified. Any column that is not unique for a given unit (eg date_iso for a child_id being recorded on multiple days) will output a <NA> value
child_cols (str, optional) – comma separated columns from children.csv to include in the outputted metrics (optional), None by default
period (str, optional) – time units to aggregate (optional); equivalent to
freq argument.segments (Union[str, pd.DataFrame], optional) – DataFrame or path to csv file of the segments to extract from, containing ‘recording_filename’, ‘segment_onset’ and ‘segment_offset’ columns. To use this option, the option must be set to ‘segments’. Also, this option cannot be combined with options [recordings,period,from_time,to_time].
threads (int, optional) – amount of threads to run on, defaults to 1
- extract()[source]
from the initiated self.metrics, compute each row metrics (handles threading) Once the Metrics class is initialized, call this function to extract the metrics and populate self.metrics
- Returns:
DataFrame of computed metrics
- Return type:
- retrieve_segments(sets: List[str], row: str)[source]
from a list of sets and a row identifying the unit computed, return the relevant annotation segments
- Parameters:
sets (List[str]) – List of annotation sets to keep
row (pandas.Series) – Series storing the unit to compute information
- Returns:
relevant annotation DataFrame and index DataFrame
- Return type:
(pandas.DataFrame , pandas.DataFrame)
ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions module
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.avg_can_voc_dur_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
average duration of canonical vocalizations for a given speaker type (based on vcm_type)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.avg_cry_voc_dur_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
average duration of cry vocalizations by a given speaker type (based on vcm_type or lena cries)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.avg_non_can_voc_dur_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
average duration of non-canonical vocalizations for a given speaker type (based on vcm_type)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.avg_voc_dur_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
average duration in milliseconds of vocalizations for a given speaker type
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.can_voc_dur_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
total duration of canonical vocalizations by a given speaker type in milliseconds (based on vcm_type)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.can_voc_dur_speaker_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
total duration of canonical vocalizations by a given speaker type in milliseconds (based on vcm_type)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.can_voc_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
number of canonical vocalizations for a given speaker type (based on vcm_type)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.can_voc_speaker_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
number of canonical vocalizations for a given speaker type (based on vcm_type)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.cp_dur(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
canonical proportion on the number of vocalizations for CHI (based on vcm_type)
Required keyword arguments:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.cp_n(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
canonical proportion on the number of vocalizations for CHI (based on vcm_type)
Required keyword arguments:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.cry_voc_dur_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
total duration of cry vocalizations by a given speaker type in milliseconds (based on vcm_type or lena cry)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.cry_voc_dur_speaker_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
total duration of cry vocalizations by a given speaker type in milliseconds (based on vcm_type or lena cry)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.cry_voc_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
number of cry vocalizations for a given speaker (based on vcm_type or lena cries)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.cry_voc_speaker_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
number of cry vocalizations for a given speaker (based on vcm_type or lena cries)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.lena_CTC(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
number of conversational turn counts according to LENA’s extraction
Required keyword arguments:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.lena_CTC_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
number of conversational turn counts according to LENA’s extraction
Required keyword arguments:
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.lena_CVC(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
number of child vocalizations according to LENA’s extraction
Required keyword arguments:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.lena_CVC_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
number of child vocalizations according to LENA’s extraction
Required keyword arguments:
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.lp_dur(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
linguistic proportion on the duration of vocalizations for CHI (based on vcm_type or [child_cry_vfxs_len,utterances_length] if vcm_type does not exist)
Required keyword arguments:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.lp_n(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
linguistic proportion on the number of vocalizations for CHI (based on vcm_type or [cries,vfxs,utterances_count] if vcm_type does not exist)
Required keyword arguments:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.metricFunction(args: set, columns: Union[Set[str], Tuple[Set[str], ...]], empty_value=0, default_name: Optional[str] = None)[source]
Decorator for all metrics functions to make them ready to be called by the pipeline.
- Parameters:
args (set) – set of required keyword arguments for that function, raise ValueError if were not given you cannot use keywords [name, callable, set] as they are reserved
columns (set) – required columns in the dataframe given, missing columns raise ValueError
default_name (str) – default name to use for the metric in the resulting dataframe. Every keyword argument found in the name will be replaced by its value (e.g. ‘voc_speaker_ph’ uses kwarg ‘speaker’ so if speaker = ‘CHI’, name will be ‘voc_chi_ph’). if no name is given, the __name__ of the function is used
empty_value (float|int) – value to return when annotations are empty but the unit was annotated (e.g. 0 for counts like voc_speaker_ph , None for proportions like lp_n)
- Returns:
new function to substitute the metric function
- Return type:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.non_can_voc_dur_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
total duration of non-canonical vocalizations by a given speaker type in milliseconds (based on vcm_type)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.non_can_voc_dur_speaker_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
total duration of non-canonical vocalizations by a given speaker type in milliseconds (based on vcm_type)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.non_can_voc_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
number of non-canonical vocalizations for a given speaker type (based on vcm_type)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.non_can_voc_speaker_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
number of non-canonical vocalizations for a given speaker type (based on vcm_type)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.pc_adu(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
number of phonemes for all speakers
Required keyword arguments:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.pc_adu_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
number of phonemes for all speakers
Required keyword arguments:
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.pc_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
number of phonemes for a given speaker type
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.pc_speaker_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
number of phonemes for a given speaker type
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_can_voc_dur_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
total duration of canonical vocalizations by a given speaker type in milliseconds (based on vcm_type)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_can_voc_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
number of canonical vocalizations for a given speaker type (based on vcm_type)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_cry_voc_dur_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
total duration of cry vocalizations by a given speaker type in milliseconds (based on vcm_type or lena cry)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_cry_voc_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
number of cry vocalizations for a given speaker (based on vcm_type or lena cries)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_hour_metric(empty_value=0)[source]
empty_value : should repeat the empty value of the metric function wrapper (as this will be used for empty periods)
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_lena_CTC(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
number of conversational turn counts according to LENA’s extraction
Required keyword arguments:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_lena_CVC(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
number of child vocalizations according to LENA’s extraction
Required keyword arguments:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_non_can_voc_dur_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
total duration of non-canonical vocalizations by a given speaker type in milliseconds (based on vcm_type)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_non_can_voc_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
number of non-canonical vocalizations for a given speaker type (based on vcm_type)
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_pc_adu(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
number of phonemes for all speakers
Required keyword arguments:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_pc_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
number of phonemes for a given speaker type
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_sc_adu(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
number of syllables for all speakers
Required keyword arguments:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_sc_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
number of syllables for a given speaker type
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_simple_CTC(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, interlocutors_1=('CHI',), interlocutors_2=('FEM', 'MAL', 'OCH'), max_interval=1000, min_delay=0, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
- number of conversational turn counts based on vocalizations occurring
in a given interval of one another
- keyword arguments:
interlocutors_1 : first group of interlocutors, default = [‘CHI’]
interlocutors_2 : second group of interlocutors, default = [‘FEM’,’MAL’,’OCH’]
max_interval : maximum interval in ms for it to be considered a turn, default = 1000
min_delay : minimum delay between somebody starting speaking
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_voc_dur_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
total duration of vocalizations by a given speaker type in milliseconds per hour
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_voc_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
number of vocalizations for a given speaker type
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_wc_adu(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
number of words for all speakers
Required keyword arguments:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.peak_wc_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
Computing the peak for 1h for the following metric:
number of words for a given speaker type
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.sc_adu(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
number of syllables for all speakers
Required keyword arguments:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.sc_adu_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
number of syllables for all speakers
Required keyword arguments:
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.sc_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
number of syllables for a given speaker type
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.sc_speaker_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
number of syllables for a given speaker type
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.simple_CTC(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, interlocutors_1=('CHI',), interlocutors_2=('FEM', 'MAL', 'OCH'), max_interval=1000, min_delay=0, **kwargs)[source]
number of conversational turn counts based on vocalizations occurring in a given interval of one another
- keyword arguments:
interlocutors_1 : first group of interlocutors, default = [‘CHI’]
interlocutors_2 : second group of interlocutors, default = [‘FEM’,’MAL’,’OCH’]
max_interval : maximum interval in ms for it to be considered a turn, default = 1000
min_delay : minimum delay between somebody starting speaking
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.simple_CTC_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, interlocutors_1=('CHI',), interlocutors_2=('FEM', 'MAL', 'OCH'), max_interval=1000, min_delay=0, **kwargs)
- number of conversational turn counts based on vocalizations occurring
in a given interval of one another
- keyword arguments:
interlocutors_1 : first group of interlocutors, default = [‘CHI’]
interlocutors_2 : second group of interlocutors, default = [‘FEM’,’MAL’,’OCH’]
max_interval : maximum interval in ms for it to be considered a turn, default = 1000
min_delay : minimum delay between somebody starting speaking
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.voc_dur_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
total duration of vocalizations by a given speaker type in milliseconds per hour
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.voc_dur_speaker_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
total duration of vocalizations by a given speaker type in milliseconds per hour
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.voc_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
number of vocalizations for a given speaker type
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.voc_speaker_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
number of vocalizations for a given speaker type
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.wc_adu(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
number of words for all speakers
Required keyword arguments:
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.wc_adu_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
number of words for all speakers
Required keyword arguments:
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.wc_speaker(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)[source]
number of words for a given speaker type
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
- ChildProject.pipelines.metricsFunctions.wc_speaker_ph(annotations: DataFrame, duration: int, **kwargs)
number of words for a given speaker type
- Required keyword arguments:
speaker : speaker_type to use
This value is a ‘per hour’ value.
ChildProject.pipelines.pipeline module
ChildProject.pipelines.processors module
- class ChildProject.pipelines.processors.AudioProcessor(project: ChildProject, name: str, input_profile: Optional[str] = None, threads: int = 1, recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None)[source]
- class ChildProject.pipelines.processors.AudioStandard(project: ChildProject, threads: int = 1, recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, skip_existing: bool = False, input_profile: Optional[str] = None)[source]
- SUBCOMMAND = 'standard'
- class ChildProject.pipelines.processors.BasicProcessor(project: ChildProject, name: str, format: str, codec: str, sampling: int, threads: int = 1, recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, skip_existing: bool = False, input_profile: Optional[str] = None)[source]
- SUBCOMMAND = 'basic'
- class ChildProject.pipelines.processors.ChannelMapper(project: ChildProject, name: str, channels: list, threads: int = 1, recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, input_profile: Optional[str] = None)[source]
- SUBCOMMAND = 'channel-mapping'
- class ChildProject.pipelines.processors.VettingProcessor(project: ChildProject, name: str, segments_path: str, threads: int = 1, recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, input_profile: Optional[str] = None)[source]
- SUBCOMMAND = 'vetting'
ChildProject.pipelines.samplers module
- class ChildProject.pipelines.samplers.ConversationSampler(project: ChildProject, annotation_set: str, count: int, interval: int = 1000, speakers: List[str] = ['FEM', 'MAL', 'CHI'], threads: int = 1, by: str = 'recording_filename', recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, exclude: Optional[Union[str, DataFrame]] = None)[source]
Conversation sampler.
- Parameters:
project (ChildProject.projects.ChildProject) – ChildProject instance
annotation_set (str) – set of annotation to derive conversations from
count (int) – amount of conversations to sample
interval (int, optional) – maximum time-interval between two consecutive vocalizations (in milliseconds) to consider them part of the same conversational block, defaults to 1000
speakers (List[str], optional) – list of speakers to target, defaults to [“FEM”, “MAL”, “CHI”]
threads (int, optional) – threads to run on, defaults to 1
by (str, optional) – units to sample from, defaults to “recording_filename”
recordings (Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame], optional) – whitelist of recordings, defaults to None
exclude (Union[str, pd.DataFrame], optional) – portions to exclude, defaults to None
- SUBCOMMAND = 'conversations'
- class ChildProject.pipelines.samplers.CustomSampler(project: ChildProject, segments_path: str, recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, exclude: Optional[Union[str, DataFrame]] = None)[source]
- SUBCOMMAND = 'custom'
- class ChildProject.pipelines.samplers.EnergyDetectionSampler(project: ChildProject, windows_length: int, windows_spacing: int, windows_count: int, windows_offset: int = 0, threshold: float = 0.8, low_freq: int = 0, high_freq: int = 100000, threads: int = 1, profile: str = '', by: str = 'recording_filename', recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, exclude: Optional[Union[str, DataFrame]] = None)[source]
Sample windows within each recording, targetting those that have a signal energy higher than some threshold.
- Parameters:
project (ChildProject.projects.ChildProject) – ChildProject instance of the target dataset.
windows_length (int) – Length of each window, in milliseconds.
windows_spacing (int) – Spacing between the start of each window, in milliseconds.
windows_count (int) – How many windows to retain per recording.
windows_offset (float, optional) – start of the first window, in milliseconds, defaults to 0
threshold (float, optional) – lowest energy quantile to sample from, defaults to 0.8
low_freq (int, optional) – if > 0, frequencies below will be filtered before calculating the energy, defaults to 0
high_freq (int, optional) – if < 100000, frequencies above will be filtered before calculating the energy, defaults to 100000
by (str, optional) – units to sample from, defaults to ‘recording_filename’
recordings (Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame], optional) – recordings to sample from; if None, all recordings will be sampled, defaults to None
threads (int, optional) – amount of threads to run on, defaults to 1
- SUBCOMMAND = 'energy-detection'
- class ChildProject.pipelines.samplers.HighVolubilitySampler(project: ChildProject, annotation_set: str, metric: str, windows_length: int, windows_count: int, speakers: List[str] = ['FEM', 'MAL', 'CHI'], threads: int = 1, by: str = 'recording_filename', recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, exclude: Optional[Union[str, DataFrame]] = None)[source]
Return the top
windows (of lengthwindows_length
) with the highest volubility from each recording, as calculated from the metricmetric
can be any of three values: words, turns, and vocs.The words metric sums the amount of words within each window. For LENA annotations, it is equivalent to awc.
The turns metric (aka ctc) sums conversational turns within each window. It relies on lena_conv_turn_type for LENA annotations. For other annotations, turns are estimated as adult/child speech switches in close temporal proximity.
The vocs metric sums vocalizations within each window. If
, it is equivalent to the usual cvc metric (child vocalization counts).
- Parameters:
project (ChildProject.projects.ChildProject) – ChildProject instance of the target dataset.
annotation_set (str) – set of annotations to calculate volubility from.
metric (str) – the metric to evaluate high-volubility. should be any of ‘words’, ‘turns’, ‘vocs’.
windows_length (int) – length of the windows, in milliseconds
windows_count (int) – amount of top regions to extract per recording
by (str, optional) – units to sample from, defaults to ‘recording_filename’
recordings (Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame], optional) – recordings to sample from; if None, all recordings will be sampled, defaults to None
threads (int) – amount of threads to run the sampler on
- SUBCOMMAND = 'high-volubility'
- class ChildProject.pipelines.samplers.PeriodicSampler(project: ChildProject, length: int, period: int, offset: int = 0, profile: Optional[str] = None, by: str = 'recording_filename', recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, exclude: Optional[Union[str, DataFrame]] = None)[source]
Periodic sampling of a recording.
- Parameters:
project (ChildProject.projects.ChildProject) – ChildProject instance of the target dataset.
length (int) – length of each segment, in milliseconds
period (int) – spacing between two consecutive segments, in milliseconds
offset (int) – offset of the first segment, in milliseconds, defaults to 0
recordings (Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame], optional) – recordings to sample from; if None, all recordings will be sampled, defaults to None
- SUBCOMMAND = 'periodic'
- class ChildProject.pipelines.samplers.RandomVocalizationSampler(project: ChildProject, annotation_set: str, target_speaker_type: list, sample_size: int, threads: int = 1, by: str = 'recording_filename', recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, exclude: Optional[Union[str, DataFrame]] = None)[source]
Sample vocalizations based on some input annotation set.
- Parameters:
project (ChildProject.projects.ChildProject) – ChildProject instance of the target dataset.
annotation_set (str) – Set of annotations to get vocalizations from.
target_speaker_type (list) – List of speaker types to sample vocalizations from.
sample_size (int) – Amount of vocalizations to sample, per recording.
by (str, optional) – units to sample from, defaults to ‘recording_filename’
recordings (Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame], optional) – recordings to sample from; if None, all recordings will be sampled, defaults to None
threads (int, optional) – amount of threads to run on, defaults to 1
- SUBCOMMAND = 'random-vocalizations'
- class ChildProject.pipelines.samplers.Sampler(project: ChildProject, recordings: Optional[Union[str, List[str], DataFrame]] = None, exclude: Optional[Union[str, DataFrame]] = None)[source]
ChildProject.pipelines.zooniverse module
- class ChildProject.pipelines.zooniverse.Chunk(recording_filename, onset, offset, segment_onset, segment_offset)[source]
- class ChildProject.pipelines.zooniverse.ZooniversePipeline[source]
- extract_chunks(path: str, destination: str, keyword: str, segments: str, chunks_length: int = -1, chunks_min_amount: int = 1, spectrogram: bool = False, profile: str = '', threads: int = 1, **kwargs)[source]
extract-audio chunks based on a list of segments and prepare them for upload to zooniverse.
- Parameters:
path (str) – dataset path
destination (str) – path to the folder where to store the metadata and audio chunks
segments (str) – path to the input segments csv dataframe, defaults to None
keyword (str) – keyword to insert in the output metadata
chunks_length (int, optional) – length of the chunks, in milliseconds, defaults to -1
chunks_min_amount (int, optional) – minimum amount of chunk per segment, defaults to 1
spectrogram (bool, optional) – the extraction generates a png spectrogram, defaults to False
profile (str) – recording profile to extract from. If undefined, raw recordings will be used.
threads (int, optional) – amount of threads to run-on, defaults to 0
- get_credentials(login: str = '', pwd: str = '')[source]
returns input credentials if provided or attempts to read them from the environment variables.
- Parameters:
login (str, optional) – input login, defaults to ‘’
pwd (str, optional) – input password, defaults to ‘’
- Returns:
(login, pwd)
- Return type:
(str, str)
- link_orphan_subjects(chunks: str, project_id: int, set_name: str, zooniverse_login='', zooniverse_pwd='', ignore_errors: bool = False, test_endpoint: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]
Attempts to link subjects that have been uploaded but not linked to a subject set in zooniverse from the CSV dataframe chunks to a zooniverse project (Attempts are made on chunks that have a zooniverse_id, a project_id and uploaded at True but no subject_set )
- Parameters:
chunks ([type]) – path to the chunk CSV dataframe
project_id (int) – zooniverse project id
set_name (str) – name of the subject set
zooniverse_login (str, optional) – zooniverse login. If not specified, the program attempts to get it from the environment variable
instead, defaults to ‘’zooniverse_pwd (str, optional) – zooniverse password. If not specified, the program attempts to get it from the environment variable
instead, defaults to ‘’amount (int, optional) – amount of chunks to upload, defaults to 0
ignore_errors (bool, optional) – carry on with the upload even if a clip fails, the csv will be updated accordingly
test_endpoint (bool, optional) – run this command for tests, operations with zooniverse arefaked and considered succesfull
- reset_orphan_subjects(chunks: str, **kwargs)[source]
Look for orphan subjects and considers them to be not uploaded, This is to be done either if the oprhan subjects were deleted from zooniverse or if they are not usable anymore. The next upload will try to push them to zooniverse as new subjects.
- Parameters:
chunks ([type]) – path to the chunk CSV dataframe
- retrieve_classifications(destination: str, project_id: int, zooniverse_login: str = '', zooniverse_pwd: str = '', chunks: List[str] = [], test_endpoint: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]
Retrieve classifications from Zooniverse as a CSV dataframe. They will be matched with the original chunks metadata if the path one or more chunk metadata files is provided.
- Parameters:
destination (str) – output CSV dataframe destination
project_id (int) – zooniverse project id
zooniverse_login (str, optional) – zooniverse login. If not specified, the program attempts to get it from the environment variable
instead, defaults to ‘’zooniverse_pwd (str, optional) – zooniverse password. If not specified, the program attempts to get it from the environment variable
instead, defaults to ‘’chunks (List[str], optional) – the list of chunk metadata files to match the classifications to. If provided, only the classifications that have a match will be returned.
- upload_chunks(chunks: str, project_id: int, set_name: str, zooniverse_login='', zooniverse_pwd='', amount: int = 1000, ignore_errors: bool = False, record_orphan: bool = False, test_endpoint: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]
audio chunks from the CSV dataframe chunks to a zooniverse project.- Parameters:
chunks ([type]) – path to the chunk CSV dataframe
project_id (int) – zooniverse project id
set_name (str) – name of the subject set
zooniverse_login (str, optional) – zooniverse login. If not specified, the program attempts to get it from the environment variable
instead, defaults to ‘’zooniverse_pwd (str, optional) – zooniverse password. If not specified, the program attempts to get it from the environment variable
instead, defaults to ‘’amount (int, optional) – amount of chunks to upload, defaults to 1000
ignore_errors (bool, optional) – carry on with the upload even if a clip fails, the csv will be updated accordingly, single clip errors are ignored but errors that will repeat (e.g. maximum number of subjects uploaded) will still exit
record_orphan (bool, optional) – when true, chunks that are correctly uploaded but not linked to a subject set (orphan) have their line updated with the subject id, project id and Uploaded flag at True, but subject_set empty. link_orphan_subjects can be used to reattempt it. If false, the chunk is considered not uploaded.
test_endpoint (bool, optional) – run this command for tests, operations with zooniverse arefaked and considered succesfull