

Sampling recordings

Sampling audio segments to be annotated with ChildProject.

A sampler draws segments from the recordings, according to the algorithm and the parameters defined by the user. The sampler will produce two files into the destination folder :

  • segments_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.csv, a CSV dataframe of all sampled segments, with three columns: recording_filename, segment_onset and segment_offset.

  • parameters_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.yml, a Yaml file with all the parameters that were used to generate the samples.

If the folder destination does not exist, it is automatically created in the process.

Several samplers are implemented in our package, which are listed below.

The samples can then feed downstream pipelines such as the Zooniverse pipeline or the ELAN builder.

$ child-project sampler --help
usage: child-project sampler [-h] [--recordings RECORDINGS]
                             [--exclude EXCLUDE]
                             path destination

positional arguments:
  path                  path to the dataset
  destination           segments destination
    custom              custom sampling
    periodic            periodic sampling
                        random sampling
    energy-detection    energy based activity detection
    high-volubility     high-volubility targeted sampling

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --recordings RECORDINGS
                        path to a CSV dataframe containing the list of
                        recordings to sample from (by default, all recordings
                        will be sampled). The CSV should have one column named
  --exclude EXCLUDE     path to a CSV dataframe containing the list of
                        segments to exclude. The columns should be:
                        recording_filename, segment_onset and segment_offset.

All samplers have a few parameters in common:

  • --recordings, which sets the white-list of recordings to sample from

  • --exclude, which defines the portions of audio to exclude from the samples after sampling.

Periodic sampler

Draw segments from the recordings, periodically

$ child-project sampler /path/to/dataset /path/to/destination periodic --help
usage: child-project sampler path destination periodic [-h] --length LENGTH
                                                       --period PERIOD
                                                       [--offset OFFSET]
                                                       [--profile PROFILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --length LENGTH    length of each segment, in milliseconds
  --period PERIOD    spacing between two consecutive segments, in milliseconds
  --offset OFFSET    offset of the first segment, in milliseconds
  --profile PROFILE  name of the profile of recordings to use to estimate
                     duration (uses raw recordings if empty)

Vocalization sampler

Draw segments from the recordings, targetting vocalizations from specific speaker-type(s).

$ child-project sampler /path/to/dataset /path/to/destination random-vocalizations --help
usage: child-project sampler path destination random-vocalizations
       [-h] [--annotation-set ANNOTATION_SET]
       [--target-speaker-type {CHI,OCH,FEM,MAL} [{CHI,OCH,FEM,MAL} ...]]
       --sample-size SAMPLE_SIZE [--threads THREADS]
       [--by {recording_filename,session_id,child_id}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --annotation-set ANNOTATION_SET
                        annotation set
  --target-speaker-type {CHI,OCH,FEM,MAL} [{CHI,OCH,FEM,MAL} ...]
                        speaker type to get chunks from
  --sample-size SAMPLE_SIZE
                        how many samples per unit (recording, session, or
  --threads THREADS     amount of threads to run on
  --by {recording_filename,session_id,child_id}
                        units to sample from (default behavior is to sample by

Energy-based sampler

Draw segments from the recordings, targetting windows with energies above some threshold.

This algorithm proceeds by segmenting the recordings into windows; the energy of the signal is computed for each window (users have the option to apply a band-pass filter to calculate the energy in some frequency band).

Then, the algorithm samples as many windows as requested by the user from the windows that have energies above some threshold. The energy threshold is defined in term of energy quantile. By default, it is set to 0.8, i.e, only the windows with the 20% highest energies are sampled from.

The sampling is performed unit by unit, where the unit is set through the --by option and can be any either recording_filename (to sample an equal amount of windows from each recording), session_id (to equally from each observing day), or child_id (to sample equally from each child).

$ child-project sampler /path/to/dataset /path/to/destination energy-detection --help
usage: child-project sampler path destination energy-detection
       [-h] --windows-length WINDOWS_LENGTH --windows-spacing WINDOWS_SPACING
       --windows-count WINDOWS_COUNT [--windows-offset WINDOWS_OFFSET]
       [--threshold THRESHOLD] [--low-freq LOW_FREQ] [--high-freq HIGH_FREQ]
       [--threads THREADS] [--profile PROFILE]
       [--by {recording_filename,session_id,child_id}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --windows-length WINDOWS_LENGTH
                        length of each window (in milliseconds)
  --windows-spacing WINDOWS_SPACING
                        spacing between the start of two consecutive windows
                        (in milliseconds)
  --windows-count WINDOWS_COUNT
                        how many windows to sample from each unit (recording,
                        session, or child)
  --windows-offset WINDOWS_OFFSET
                        start of the first window (in milliseconds)
  --threshold THRESHOLD
                        lowest energy quantile to sample from. default is 0.8
                        (i.e., sample from the 20% windows with the highest
  --low-freq LOW_FREQ   remove all frequencies below low-freq before
                        calculating each window's energy. (in Hz)
  --high-freq HIGH_FREQ
                        remove all frequencies above high-freq before
                        calculating each window's energy. (in Hz)
  --threads THREADS     amount of threads to run on
  --profile PROFILE     name of the profile of recordings to use (uses raw
                        recordings if empty)
  --by {recording_filename,session_id,child_id}
                        units to sample from (default behavior is to sample by

High-Volubility sampler


$ child-project sampler /path/to/dataset /path/to/destination high-volubility --help
usage: child-project sampler path destination high-volubility
       [-h] --annotation-set ANNOTATION_SET --metric {ctc,cvc,awc}
       --windows-length WINDOWS_LENGTH --windows-count WINDOWS_COUNT
       [--threads THREADS] [--by {recording_filename,session_id,child_id}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --annotation-set ANNOTATION_SET
                        annotation set
  --metric {ctc,cvc,awc}
                        which metric should be used to evaluate volubility
  --windows-length WINDOWS_LENGTH
                        window length (milliseconds)
  --windows-count WINDOWS_COUNT
                        how many windows to be sampled from each unit
                        (recording, session, or child)
  --threads THREADS     amount of threads to run on
  --by {recording_filename,session_id,child_id}
                        units to sample from (default behavior is to sample by