Source code for ChildProject.tables

import pandas as pd
import os
import re
import datetime
import numpy as np
from typing import Union, Set, List

[docs]class MissingColumnsException(Exception): def __init__(self, name: str, missing: Set): missing = ",".join(list(missing)) super().__init__( f"dataframe {name} misses the following required columns: {missing}" )
[docs]class IncorrectDtypeException(Exception): """Exception when an Unexpected DType is found in a pandas DataFrame """
[docs]def assert_dataframe(name: str, df: pd.DataFrame, not_empty: bool = False): assert isinstance( df, pd.DataFrame ), f"{name} should be a dataframe, but type is '{type(df)}' instead." if not_empty: assert len(df) > 0, f"{name} should not be empty."
[docs]def assert_columns_presence(name: str, df: pd.DataFrame, columns: Union[Set, List]): missing = set(columns) - set(df.columns) if len(missing): raise MissingColumnsException(name, missing)
[docs]def read_csv_with_dtype(file: str, dtypes: dict): try: df = pd.read_csv(file,dtype=dtypes) except ValueError: raise IncorrectDtypeException('Incorrect type found in {}, expected column types are:\n{}'.format(file,dtypes)) return df
[docs]def is_boolean(x): return x == "NA" or int(x) in [0, 1]
[docs]class IndexColumn: def __init__( self, name="", description="", required=False, regex=None, filename=False, datetime=None, function=None, choices=None, dtype=None, unique=False, generated=False, ): = name self.description = description self.required = required self.filename = filename self.regex = regex self.datetime = datetime self.function = function self.choices = choices self.unique = unique self.generated = generated self.dtype = dtype def __str__(self): return "IndexColumn(name = {})".format( def __repr__(self): return "IndexColumn(name = {})".format(
[docs]class IndexTable: def __init__(self, name, path=None, columns=[], enforce_dtypes: bool = False): = name self.path = path self.columns = columns self.df = None self.enforce_dtypes = enforce_dtypes
[docs] def read(self): pd_flags = { "keep_default_na": False, "na_values": [ "-1.#IND", "1.#QNAN", "1.#IND", "-1.#QNAN", "#N/A N/A", "#N/A", "N/A", "n/a", "", "#NA", "NULL", "null", "NaN", "-NaN", "nan", "-nan", "", ], "parse_dates": False, "index_col": False, } if self.enforce_dtypes: dtype = { column.dtype for column in self.columns if column.dtype } self.df = pd.read_csv(self.path, dtype=dtype, **pd_flags) else: self.df = pd.read_csv(self.path, **pd_flags) self.df.index = self.df.index + 2 return self.df
[docs] def msg(self, text): return "{}: {}".format(os.path.normcase(self.path), text)
[docs] def validate(self): errors, warnings = [], [] columns = { c for c in self.columns} for rc in self.columns: if not rc.required: continue if not in self.df.columns: errors.append( self.msg( "{} table is missing column '{}'".format(, ) ) continue null = self.df[self.df[].isnull()].index.values.tolist() if len(null) > 0: errors.append( self.msg( """{} table has undefined values for column '{}' in lines: {}""".format(,, ",".join([str(n) for n in null]) ) ) ) unknown_columns = [c for c in self.df.columns if c not in columns.keys()] if len(unknown_columns) > 0: warnings.append( self.msg( "unknown column{} '{}' in {}, expected columns are: {}".format( "s" if len(unknown_columns) > 1 else "", ",".join(unknown_columns),, ",".join(columns.keys()), ) ) ) rows = self.df.to_dict(orient="index") for line_number in rows: row = rows[line_number] for column_name in row.keys(): column_attr = columns.get(column_name) if column_attr is None: continue if callable(column_attr.function): try: ok = column_attr.function(str(row[column_name])) == True except: ok = False if not ok: message = "'{}' does not pass callable test for column '{}' on line {}".format( row[column_name], column_name, line_number ) if column_attr.required and str(row[column_name]) != "NA": errors.append(self.msg(message)) elif column_attr.required or str(row[column_name]) != "NA": warnings.append(self.msg(message)) elif ( column_attr.choices and str(row[column_name]) not in column_attr.choices ): message = "'{}' is not a permitted value for column '{}' on line {}, should be any of [{}]".format( row[column_name], column_name, line_number, ",".join(column_attr.choices), ) if column_attr.required and str(row[column_name]) != "NA": errors.append(self.msg(message)) elif column_attr.required or str(row[column_name]) != "NA": warnings.append(self.msg(message)) elif column_attr.datetime: passed = False for frmt in column_attr.datetime: try: dt = datetime.datetime.strptime( row[column_name], frmt ) passed = True break except: pass if not passed: message = "'{}' is not a proper date/time for column '{}' (expected: {}) on line {}".format( row[column_name], column_name, ' / '.join(column_attr.datetime), line_number, ) if column_attr.required and str(row[column_name]) != "NA": errors.append(self.msg(message)) elif column_attr.required or str(row[column_name]) != "NA": warnings.append(self.msg(message)) elif column_attr.regex: if not re.fullmatch(column_attr.regex, str(row[column_name])): message = "'{}' does not match the format required for '{}' on line {}, expected '{}'".format( row[column_name], column_name, line_number, column_attr.regex, ) if column_attr.required and str(row[column_name]) != "NA": errors.append(self.msg(message)) elif column_attr.required or str(row[column_name]) != "NA": warnings.append(self.msg(message)) for c in self.columns: if not c.unique: continue grouped = self.df[self.df[] != "NA"] grouped = grouped.assign(lineno=grouped.index) grouped = ( grouped.groupby(["lineno"] .agg( [ ("count", len), ( "lines", lambda lines: ",".join( [str(line) for line in sorted(lines)] ), ), ("first", np.min), ] ) .sort_values("first") ) duplicates = grouped[grouped["count"] > 1] for col, row in duplicates.iterrows(): errors.append( self.msg( "{} '{}' appears {} times in lines [{}], should appear once".format(, col, row["count"], row["lines"] ) ) ) return errors, warnings