Source code for ChildProject.pipelines.metrics

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import argparse
import datetime
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import Union, List

import ChildProject
from ChildProject.pipelines.pipeline import Pipeline

pipelines = {}

[docs]class Metrics(ABC): def __init__( self, project: ChildProject.projects.ChildProject, by: str = "recording_filename", recordings: Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame] = None, from_time: str = None, to_time: str = None, ): self.project = project = ChildProject.annotations.AnnotationManager(self.project) recording_columns = { "recording_filename", "child_id", "duration", "session_id", "session_offset", } recording_columns &= set(self.project.recordings.columns) = self.project.recordings[recording_columns], left_on="recording_filename", right_on="recording_filename", ) = by self.segments = pd.DataFrame() self.recordings = Pipeline.recordings_from_list(recordings) self.from_time = from_time self.to_time = to_time def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) pipelines[cls.SUBCOMMAND] = cls
[docs] @abstractmethod def extract(self): pass
[docs] def retrieve_segments(self, sets: List[str], unit: str): annotations =[[] == unit] annotations = annotations[annotations["set"].isin(sets)] if self.from_time and self.to_time: annotations = annotations, self.from_time, self.to_time, errors="coerce" ) try: segments = except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame() # prevent overflows segments["duration"] = ( (segments["segment_offset"] / 1000 - segments["segment_onset"] / 1000) .astype(float) .fillna(0) ) return annotations, segments
[docs]class LenaMetrics(Metrics): """LENA metrics extractor. Extracts a number of metrics from the LENA .its annotations. :param project: ChildProject instance of the target dataset. :type project: ChildProject.projects.ChildProject :param set: name of the set associated to the .its annotations :type set: str :param recordings: recordings to sample from; if None, all recordings will be sampled, defaults to None :type recordings: Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame], optional :param from_time: If specified (in HH:MM format), ignore annotations outside of the given time-range, defaults to None :type from_time: str, optional :param to_time: If specified (in HH:MM format), ignore annotations outside of the given time-range, defaults to None :type to_time: str, optional :param by: units to sample from, defaults to 'recording_filename' :type by: str, optional :param threads: amount of threads to run on, defaults to 1 :type threads: int, optional """ SUBCOMMAND = "lena" def __init__( self, project: ChildProject.projects.ChildProject, set: str, recordings: Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame] = None, from_time: str = None, to_time: str = None, by: str = "recording_filename", threads: int = 1, ): super().__init__(project, by, recordings, from_time, to_time) self.set = set self.threads = int(threads) if self.set not in["set"].values: raise ValueError( f"annotation set '{self.set}' was not found in the index; " "check spelling and make sure the set was properly imported." ) def _process_unit(self, unit: str): import ast metrics = { unit} annotations, its = self.retrieve_segments([self.set], unit) speaker_types = ["FEM", "MAL", "CHI", "OCH"] adults = ["FEM", "MAL"] if "speaker_type" in its.columns: its = its[its["speaker_type"].isin(speaker_types)] else: return metrics if len(its) == 0: return metrics unit_duration = ( annotations["range_offset"] - annotations["range_onset"] ).sum() / 1000 its_agg = its.groupby("speaker_type").agg( voc_ph=("duration", lambda x: 3600 * len(x) / unit_duration), voc_dur_ph=("duration", lambda x: 3600 * np.sum(x) / unit_duration), avg_voc_dur=("duration", np.mean), wc_ph=("words", lambda x: 3600 * np.sum(x) / unit_duration), ) for speaker in speaker_types: if speaker not in its_agg.index: continue metrics["voc_{}_ph".format(speaker.lower())] = its_agg.loc[ speaker, "voc_ph" ] metrics["voc_dur_{}_ph".format(speaker.lower())] = its_agg.loc[ speaker, "voc_dur_ph" ] metrics["avg_voc_dur_{}".format(speaker.lower())] = its_agg.loc[ speaker, "avg_voc_dur" ] if speaker in adults: metrics["wc_{}_ph".format(speaker.lower())] = its_agg.loc[ speaker, "wc_ph" ] chi = its[its["speaker_type"] == "CHI"] cries = chi["cries"].apply(lambda x: len(ast.literal_eval(x))).sum() vfxs = chi["vfxs"].apply(lambda x: len(ast.literal_eval(x))).sum() utterances = chi["utterances_count"].sum() metrics["lp_n"] = utterances / (utterances + cries + vfxs) metrics["lp_dur"] = chi["utterances_length"].sum() / ( chi["child_cry_vfx_len"].sum() + chi["utterances_length"].sum() ) metrics["wc_adu_ph"] = its["words"].sum() * 3600 / unit_duration metrics["child_id"] = its["child_id"].iloc[0] metrics["duration"] = unit_duration return metrics
[docs] def extract(self): recordings = self.project.get_recordings_from_list(self.recordings) if self.threads == 1: self.metrics = pd.DataFrame( [self._process_unit(unit) for unit in recordings[].unique()] ) else: with mp.Pool( processes=self.threads if self.threads >= 1 else mp.cpu_count() ) as pool: self.metrics = pd.DataFrame(, recordings[].unique()) ) self.metrics.set_index(, inplace=True) return self.metrics
[docs] @staticmethod def add_parser(subparsers, subcommand): parser = subparsers.add_parser(subcommand, help="LENA metrics") parser.add_argument("set", help="name of the LENA its annotations set") parser.add_argument( "--threads", help="amount of threads to run on", default=1, type=int )
[docs]class AclewMetrics(Metrics): """ACLEW metrics extractor. Extracts a number of metrics from the ACLEW pipeline annotations, which includes: - The Voice Type Classifier by Lavechin et al. (arXiv:2005.12656) - The Automatic LInguistic Unit Count Estimator (ALICE) by Räsänen et al. (doi:10.3758/s13428-020-01460-x) - The VoCalisation Maturity model (VCMNet) by Al Futaisi et al. (doi:10.1145/3340555.3353751) :param project: ChildProject instance of the target dataset. :type project: ChildProject.projects.ChildProject :param vtc: name of the set associated to the VTC annotations :type vtc: str :param alice: name of the set associated to the ALICE annotations :type alice: str :param vcm: name of the set associated to the VCM annotations :type vcm: str :param recordings: recordings to sample from; if None, all recordings will be sampled, defaults to None :type recordings: Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame], optional :param from_time: If specified (in HH:MM format), ignore annotations outside of the given time-range, defaults to None :type from_time: str, optional :param to_time: If specified (in HH:MM format), ignore annotations outside of the given time-range, defaults to None :type to_time: str, optional :param by: units to sample from, defaults to 'recording_filename' :type by: str, optional :param threads: amount of threads to run on, defaults to 1 :type threads: int, optional """ SUBCOMMAND = "aclew" def __init__( self, project: ChildProject.projects.ChildProject, vtc: str = "vtc", alice: str = "alice", vcm: str = "vcm", recordings: Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame] = None, from_time: str = None, to_time: str = None, by: str = "recording_filename", threads: int = 1, ): super().__init__(project, by, recordings, from_time, to_time) self.vtc = vtc self.alice = alice self.vcm = vcm self.threads = int(threads) if self.vtc not in["set"].values: raise ValueError( f"The VTC set '{self.vtc}' was not found in the index; " "check spelling and make sure the set was properly imported." ) if self.alice not in["set"].values: print(f"The ALICE set ('{self.alice}') was not found in the index.") if self.vcm not in["set"].values: print(f"The VCM set ('{self.vcm}') was not found in the index.") def _process_unit(self, unit: str): metrics = { unit} annotations, segments = self.retrieve_segments( [self.vtc, self.alice, self.vcm], unit ) speaker_types = ["FEM", "MAL", "CHI", "OCH"] adults = ["FEM", "MAL"] if "speaker_type" in segments.columns: segments = segments[segments["speaker_type"].isin(speaker_types)] else: return metrics if len(segments) == 0: return metrics vtc_ann = annotations[annotations["set"] == self.vtc] unit_duration = (vtc_ann["range_offset"] - vtc_ann["range_onset"]).sum() / 1000 vtc = segments[segments["set"] == self.vtc] alice = segments[segments["set"] == self.alice] vcm = segments[segments["set"] == self.vcm] vtc_agg = vtc.groupby("speaker_type").agg( voc_ph=("duration", lambda x: 3600 * len(x) / unit_duration), voc_dur_ph=("duration", lambda x: 3600 * np.sum(x) / unit_duration), avg_voc_dur=("duration", np.mean), ) for speaker in speaker_types: if speaker not in vtc_agg.index: continue metrics["voc_{}_ph".format(speaker.lower())] = vtc_agg.loc[ speaker, "voc_ph" ] metrics["voc_dur_{}_ph".format(speaker.lower())] = vtc_agg.loc[ speaker, "voc_dur_ph" ] metrics["avg_voc_dur_{}".format(speaker.lower())] = vtc_agg.loc[ speaker, "avg_voc_dur" ] if len(alice): alice_agg = alice.groupby("speaker_type").agg( wc_ph=("words", lambda x: 3600 * np.sum(x) / unit_duration), sc_ph=("syllables", lambda x: 3600 * np.sum(x) / unit_duration), pc_ph=("phonemes", lambda x: 3600 * np.sum(x) / unit_duration), ) for speaker in adults: if speaker not in alice_agg.index: continue metrics["wc_{}_ph".format(speaker.lower())] = alice_agg.loc[ speaker, "wc_ph" ] metrics["sc_{}_ph".format(speaker.lower())] = alice_agg.loc[ speaker, "sc_ph" ] metrics["pc_{}_ph".format(speaker.lower())] = alice_agg.loc[ speaker, "pc_ph" ] metrics["wc_adu_ph"] = alice["words"].sum() * 3600 / unit_duration metrics["sc_adu_ph"] = alice["syllables"].sum() * 3600 / unit_duration metrics["pc_adu_ph"] = alice["phonemes"].sum() * 3600 / unit_duration if len(vcm): vcm_agg = ( vcm[vcm["speaker_type"] == "CHI"] .groupby("vcm_type") .agg( voc_chi_ph=("duration", lambda x: 3600 * len(x) / unit_duration,), voc_dur_chi_ph=( "duration", lambda x: 3600 * np.sum(x) / unit_duration, ), avg_voc_dur_chi=("duration", np.mean), ) ) metrics["cry_voc_chi_ph"] = ( vcm_agg.loc["Y", "voc_chi_ph"] if "Y" in vcm_agg.index else 0 ) metrics["cry_voc_dur_chi_ph"] = ( vcm_agg.loc["Y", "voc_dur_chi_ph"] if "Y" in vcm_agg.index else 0 ) if "Y" in vcm_agg.index: metrics["avg_cry_voc_dur_chi"] = vcm_agg.loc["Y", "avg_voc_dur_chi"] metrics["can_voc_chi_ph"] = ( vcm_agg.loc["C", "voc_chi_ph"] if "C" in vcm_agg.index else 0 ) metrics["can_voc_dur_chi_ph"] = ( vcm_agg.loc["C", "voc_dur_chi_ph"] if "C" in vcm_agg.index else 0 ) if "C" in vcm_agg.index: metrics["avg_can_voc_dur_chi"] = vcm_agg.loc["C", "avg_voc_dur_chi"] metrics["non_can_voc_chi_ph"] = ( vcm_agg.loc["N", "voc_chi_ph"] if "N" in vcm_agg.index else 0 ) metrics["non_can_voc_dur_chi_ph"] = ( vcm_agg.loc["N", "voc_dur_chi_ph"] if "N" in vcm_agg.index else 0 ) if "N" in vcm_agg.index: metrics["avg_non_can_voc_dur_chi"] = vcm_agg.loc["N", "avg_voc_dur_chi"] speech_voc = metrics["can_voc_chi_ph"] + metrics["non_can_voc_chi_ph"] speech_dur = ( metrics["can_voc_dur_chi_ph"] + metrics["non_can_voc_dur_chi_ph"] ) cry_voc = metrics["cry_voc_chi_ph"] cry_dur = metrics["cry_voc_dur_chi_ph"] if speech_voc + cry_voc: metrics["lp_n"] = speech_voc / (speech_voc + cry_voc) metrics["cp_n"] = metrics["can_voc_chi_ph"] / speech_voc metrics["lp_dur"] = speech_dur / (speech_dur + cry_dur) metrics["cp_dur"] = metrics["can_voc_dur_chi_ph"] / speech_dur metrics["child_id"] = segments["child_id"].iloc[0] metrics["duration"] = unit_duration return metrics
[docs] def extract(self): recordings = self.project.get_recordings_from_list(self.recordings) if self.threads == 1: self.metrics = pd.DataFrame( [self._process_unit(unit) for unit in recordings[].unique()] ) else: with mp.Pool( processes=self.threads if self.threads >= 1 else mp.cpu_count() ) as pool: self.metrics = pd.DataFrame(, recordings[].unique()) ) self.metrics.set_index(, inplace=True) return self.metrics
[docs] @staticmethod def add_parser(subparsers, subcommand): parser = subparsers.add_parser(subcommand, help="LENA metrics") parser.add_argument("--vtc", help="vtc set", default="vtc") parser.add_argument("--alice", help="alice set", default="alice") parser.add_argument("--vcm", help="vcm set", default="vcm") parser.add_argument( "--threads", help="amount of threads to run on", default=1, type=int )
[docs]class PeriodMetrics(Metrics): """Time-aggregated metrics extractor. Aggregates vocalizations for each time-of-the-day-unit based on a period specified by the user. For instance, if the period is set to ``15Min`` (i.e. 15 minutes), vocalization rates will be reported for each recording and time-unit (e.g. 09:00 to 09:15, 09:15 to 09:30, etc.). The output dataframe has ``rp`` rows, where ``r`` is the amount of recordings (or children if the ``--by`` option is set to ``child_id``), ``p`` is the amount of time-bins per day (i.e. 24 x 4 = 96 for a 15-minute period). The output dataframe includes a ``period`` column that contains the onset of each time-unit in HH:MM:SS format. The ``duration`` columns contains the total amount of annotations covering each time-bin, in milliseconds. If ``--by`` is set to e.g. ``child_id``, then the values for each time-bin will be the average rates across all the recordings of every child. :param project: ChildProject instance of the target dataset :type project: ChildProject.projects.ChildProject :param set: name of the set of annotations to derive the metrics from :type set: str :param period: Time-period. Values should be formatted as `pandas offset aliases <>`__. For instance, `15Min` corresponds to a 15 minute period; `2H` corresponds to a 2 hour period. :type period: str :param period_origin: NotImplemented, defaults to None :type period_origin: str, optional :param recordings: white-list of recordings to process, defaults to None :type recordings: Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame], optional :param from_time: If specified (in HH:MM format), ignore annotations outside of the given time-range, defaults to None :type from_time: str, optional :param to_time: If specified (in HH:MM format), ignore annotations outside of the given time-range, defaults to None :type to_time: str, optional :param by: units to sample from, defaults to 'recording_filename' :type by: str, optional :param threads: amount of threads to run on, defaults to 1 :type threads: int, optional """ SUBCOMMAND = "period" def __init__( self, project: ChildProject.projects.ChildProject, set: str, period: str, period_origin: str = None, recordings: Union[str, List[str], pd.DataFrame] = None, from_time: str = None, to_time: str = None, by: str = "recording_filename", threads: int = 1, ): super().__init__(project, by, recordings, from_time, to_time) self.set = set self.threads = int(threads) self.period = period self.period_origin = period_origin if self.period_origin is not None: raise NotImplementedError("period-origin is not supported yet") if self.set not in["set"].values: raise ValueError( f"'{self.set}' was not found in the index; " "check spelling and make sure the set was properly imported." ) self.periods = pd.date_range( start=datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), end=datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0), freq=self.period, closed="left", ) def _process_unit(self, unit: str): annotations, segments = self.retrieve_segments([self.set], unit) # retrieve timestamps for each vocalization, ignoring the day of occurence segments =, ignore_date=True) # dropping segments for which no time information is available segments.dropna(subset=["onset_time"], inplace=True) # update the timestamps so that all vocalizations appear # to happen on the same day segments["onset_time"] -= pd.to_timedelta( 86400 * ((segments["onset_time"] - self.periods[0]).dt.total_seconds() // 86400), unit="s", ) if len(segments) == 0: return pd.DataFrame() # calculate length of available annotations within each bin. # this is necessary in order to calculate correct rates bins = np.array( [dt.total_seconds() for dt in self.periods - self.periods[0]] + [86400] ) # retrieve the timestamps for all annotated portions of the recordings annotations = annotations, ignore_date=True, onset="range_onset", offset="range_offset" ) # calculate time elapsed since the first time bin annotations["onset_time"] = annotations["onset_time"].apply( lambda dt: (dt - self.periods[0]).total_seconds() ).astype(int) annotations["offset_time"] = annotations["offset_time"].apply( lambda dt: (dt - self.periods[0]).total_seconds() ).astype(int) # split annotations to intervals each within a 0-24h range annotations["stops"] = annotations.apply( lambda row: [row['onset_time']] + list(86400*np.arange((row['onset_time']//86400)+1, (row['offset_time']//86400)+1, 1)) + [row['offset_time']], axis = 1 ) annotations = annotations.explode('stops') annotations['onset'] = annotations['stops'] annotations['offset'] = annotations['stops'].shift(-1) annotations.dropna(subset = ['offset'], inplace = True) annotations['onset'] = annotations['onset'].astype(int) % 86400 annotations['offset'] = (annotations['offset']-1e-4) % 86400 durations = [ ( annotations["offset"].clip(bins[i], bins[i + 1]) - annotations["onset"].clip(bins[i], bins[i + 1]) ).sum() for i, t in enumerate(bins[:-1]) ] durations = pd.Series(durations, index=self.periods) metrics = pd.DataFrame(index=self.periods) grouper = pd.Grouper(key="onset_time", freq=self.period, closed="left") speaker_types = ["FEM", "MAL", "CHI", "OCH"] adults = ["FEM", "MAL"] for speaker in speaker_types: vocs = segments[segments["speaker_type"] == speaker].groupby(grouper) vocs = vocs.agg( voc_ph=("segment_onset", "count"), voc_dur_ph=("duration", "sum"), avg_voc_dur=("duration", "mean"), ) metrics["voc_{}_ph".format(speaker.lower())] = ( vocs["voc_ph"].reindex(self.periods, fill_value=0) * 3600 / durations ) metrics["voc_dur_{}_ph".format(speaker.lower())] = ( vocs["voc_dur_ph"].reindex(self.periods, fill_value=0) * 3600 / durations ) metrics["avg_voc_dur_{}".format(speaker.lower())] = vocs[ "avg_voc_dur" ].reindex(self.periods) metrics['duration'] = (durations*1000).astype(int) metrics[] = unit metrics["child_id"] = segments["child_id"].iloc[0] return metrics
[docs] def extract(self): recordings = self.project.get_recordings_from_list(self.recordings) if self.threads == 1: self.metrics = pd.concat( [self._process_unit(unit) for unit in recordings[].unique()] ) else: with mp.Pool( processes=self.threads if self.threads >= 1 else mp.cpu_count() ) as pool: self.metrics = pd.concat(, recordings[].unique()) ) if len(self.metrics): self.metrics["period"] = self.metrics.index.strftime("%H:%M:%S") self.metrics.set_index(, inplace=True) return self.metrics
[docs] @staticmethod def add_parser(subparsers, subcommand): parser = subparsers.add_parser(subcommand, help="LENA metrics") parser.add_argument("--set", help="annotations set", required=True) parser.add_argument( "--period", help="time units to aggregate (optional); equivalent to ``pandas.Grouper``'s freq argument.", required=True ) parser.add_argument( "--period-origin", help="time origin of each time period; equivalent to ``pandas.Grouper``'s origin argument.", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--threads", help="amount of threads to run on", default=1, type=int )
[docs]class MetricsPipeline(Pipeline): def __init__(self): self.metrics = []
[docs] def run(self, path, destination, pipeline, func=None, **kwargs): self.project = ChildProject.projects.ChildProject(path) if pipeline not in pipelines: raise NotImplementedError(f"invalid pipeline '{pipeline}'") metrics = pipelines[pipeline](self.project, **kwargs) metrics.extract() self.metrics = metrics.metrics self.metrics.to_csv(destination) return self.metrics
[docs] @staticmethod def setup_parser(parser): parser.add_argument("path", help="path to the dataset") parser.add_argument("destination", help="segments destination") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="pipeline", dest="pipeline") for pipeline in pipelines: pipelines[pipeline].add_parser(subparsers, pipeline) parser.add_argument( "--recordings", help="path to a CSV dataframe containing the list of recordings to sample from (by default, all recordings will be sampled). The CSV should have one column named recording_filename.", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--by", help="units to sample from (default behavior is to sample by recording)", choices=["recording_filename", "session_id", "child_id"], default="recording_filename", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--from-time", help="time range start in HH:MM format (optional)", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--to-time", help="time range end in HH:MM format (optional)", default=None, )