Source code for ChildProject.pipelines.zooniverse

import argparse
import datetime
import itertools
import json
import math
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
import pandas as pd
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import array
import traceback
from typing import List
from yaml import dump

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter
from numpy import log10

from pydub import AudioSegment
from pydub.utils import get_array_type

from parselmouth import Sound
from parselmouth import SpectralAnalysisWindowShape

import ChildProject
from ChildProject.pipelines.pipeline import Pipeline
from ChildProject.tables import assert_dataframe, assert_columns_presence

from typing import Tuple

import time

[docs]def pad_interval( onset: int, offset: int, chunks_length: int, chunks_min_amount: int = 1 ) -> Tuple[int, int]: length = offset - onset target_length = chunks_length * max( chunks_min_amount, math.ceil(length / chunks_length) ) onset -= (target_length - length) / 2 offset += (target_length - length) / 2 return int(onset), int(offset)
[docs]class Chunk: def __init__( self, recording_filename, onset, offset, segment_onset, segment_offset ): self.recording_filename = recording_filename self.onset = onset self.offset = offset self.segment_onset = segment_onset self.segment_offset = segment_offset
[docs] def getbasename(self, extension): return "{}_{}_{}.{}".format( os.path.splitext(self.recording_filename.replace("/", "_"))[0], self.onset, self.offset, extension, )
[docs]class ZooniversePipeline(Pipeline): def __init__(self): self.chunks = []
[docs] def get_credentials(self, login: str = "", pwd: str = ""): """returns input credentials if provided or attempts to read them from the environment variables. :param login: input login, defaults to '' :type login: str, optional :param pwd: input password, defaults to '' :type pwd: str, optional :return: (login, pwd) :rtype: (str, str) """ if login and pwd: self.zooniverse_login = login self.zooniverse_pwd = pwd return (self.zooniverse_login, self.zooniverse_pwd) if os.getenv("ZOONIVERSE_LOGIN"): self.zooniverse_login = os.getenv("ZOONIVERSE_LOGIN") else: raise Exception( "no login specified, and no 'ZOONIVERSE_LOGIN' environment variable found" ) if os.getenv("ZOONIVERSE_PWD"): self.zooniverse_pwd = os.getenv("ZOONIVERSE_PWD") else: raise Exception( "no password specified, and no 'ZOONIVERSE_PWD' environment variable found" ) return (self.zooniverse_login, self.zooniverse_pwd)
def _split_recording(self, segments: pd.DataFrame) -> list: #from raw sound data and sampling rate, build the spectrogram as a matplotlib figure and return it def _create_spectrogram(data,sr): snd = Sound(data,sampling_frequency=sr) # this parameters were chosen to output a spectrogram useful for zooniverse applications (short sounds from babies) we did not feel the need to have flexibility on them spectrogram = snd.to_spectrogram(window_length=0.0075,maximum_frequency=8000, time_step= 0.0001 ,frequency_step = 0.1,window_shape= SpectralAnalysisWindowShape.GAUSSIAN) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6.75)) #size of the image, we chose 1200x675 pixels for a better display on zooniverse gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, hspace=0, height_ratios=[1, 3]) #2 plots (spectrogram 3x bigger than oscillogram) axs = gs.subplots(sharex=True) #scpectrogram plot dynamic_range=65 X, Y = spectrogram.x_grid(), spectrogram.y_grid() sg_db = 10 * log10(spectrogram.values) axs[1].pcolormesh(X, Y, sg_db, vmin=sg_db.max() - dynamic_range, cmap='Greys') axs[1].set_ylim([spectrogram.ymin, spectrogram.ymax]) axs[1].set_xlabel("time [s]") axs[1].set_ylabel("frequency [Hz]") axs[1].tick_params( labelright=True) axs[1].set_xlim([snd.xmin, snd.xmax]) #oscillogram plot axs[0].plot(snd.xs(), snd.values.T, linewidth=0.5) axs[0].set_xlim([snd.xmin, snd.xmax]) axs[0].set_ylabel("amplitude") #remove overlapping labels ticks = axs[0].yaxis.get_major_ticks() if len(ticks) : ticks[0].label1.set_visible(False) if len(ticks) > 1 : ticks[1].label1.set_visible(False) fig.tight_layout() return fig segments = segments.to_dict(orient="records") chunks = [] recording = segments[0]["recording_filename"] source = self.project.get_recording_path(recording, self.profile) audio = AudioSegment.from_file(source) print("extracting chunks from {}...".format(source)) for segment in segments: original_onset = int(segment["segment_onset"]) original_offset = int(segment["segment_offset"]) onset = original_onset offset = original_offset if self.chunks_length > 0: onset, offset = pad_interval( onset, offset, self.chunks_length, self.chunks_min_amount ) if onset < 0: print("skipping chunk with negative onset ({})".format(onset)) continue intervals = [ (a, a + self.chunks_length) for a in range(onset, offset, self.chunks_length) ] else: intervals = [(onset, offset)] for (onset, offset) in intervals: chunk = Chunk( segment["recording_filename"], onset, offset, original_onset, original_offset, ) chunk_audio = audio[chunk.onset : chunk.offset].fade_in(10).fade_out(10) wav = os.path.join(self.destination, "chunks", chunk.getbasename("wav")) mp3 = os.path.join(self.destination, "chunks", chunk.getbasename("mp3")) if os.path.exists(wav) and os.path.getsize(wav) > 0: print("{} already exists, exportation skipped.".format(wav)) else: chunk_audio.export(wav, format="wav") if os.path.exists(mp3) and os.path.getsize(mp3) > 0: print("{} already exists, exportation skipped.".format(mp3)) else: chunk_audio.export(mp3, format="mp3") if self.spectro: png = os.path.join(self.destination, "chunks", chunk.getbasename("png")) #convert pydub sound data into raw data that the parselmouth library can use bit_depth = chunk_audio.sample_width * 8 array_type = get_array_type(bit_depth) sound = array.array(array_type, chunk_audio._data) sr = chunk_audio.frame_rate fig = _create_spectrogram(sound,sr) #create the plot figure if os.path.exists(png) and os.path.getsize(png) > 0: print("{} already exists, exportation skipped.".format(png)) else: fig.savefig(png) plt.close(fig) chunks.append(chunk) return chunks
[docs] def extract_chunks( self, path: str, destination: str, keyword: str, segments: str, chunks_length: int = -1, chunks_min_amount: int = 1, spectrogram: bool = False, profile: str = "", threads: int = 1, **kwargs ): """extract-audio chunks based on a list of segments and prepare them for upload to zooniverse. :param path: dataset path :type path: str :param destination: path to the folder where to store the metadata and audio chunks :type destination: str :param segments: path to the input segments csv dataframe, defaults to None :type segments: str :param keyword: keyword to insert in the output metadata :type keyword: str :param chunks_length: length of the chunks, in milliseconds, defaults to -1 :type chunks_length: int, optional :param chunks_min_amount: minimum amount of chunk per segment, defaults to 1 :type chunks_min_amount: int, optional :param spectrogram: the extraction generates a png spectrogram, defaults to False :type spectrogram: bool, optional :param profile: recording profile to extract from. If undefined, raw recordings will be used. :type profile: str :param threads: amount of threads to run-on, defaults to 0 :type threads: int, optional """ parameters = locals() parameters = [ {key: parameters[key]} for key in parameters if key not in ["self", "kwargs"] ] parameters.extend([{key: kwargs[key]} for key in kwargs]) self.destination = destination self.project = ChildProject.projects.ChildProject(path) self.chunks_length = int(chunks_length) self.chunks_min_amount = int(chunks_min_amount) self.spectro = spectrogram self.profile = profile threads = int(threads) destination_path = os.path.join(destination, "chunks") os.makedirs(destination_path, exist_ok=True) self.segments = pd.read_csv(segments) assert_dataframe("segments", self.segments, not_empty=True) assert_columns_presence( "segments", self.segments, {"recording_filename", "segment_onset", "segment_offset"}, ) shutil.copyfile(segments, os.path.join(self.destination, "segments.csv")) segments = [] for _recording, _segments in self.segments.groupby("recording_filename"): segments.append(_segments.assign(recording_filename=_recording)) if threads == 1: self.chunks = map(self._split_recording, segments) else: with mp.Pool(threads if threads > 0 else mp.cpu_count()) as pool: self.chunks =, segments) self.chunks = itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.chunks) self.chunks = pd.DataFrame( [ { "recording_filename": c.recording_filename, "onset": c.onset, "offset": c.offset, "segment_onset": c.segment_onset, "segment_offset": c.segment_offset, "wav": c.getbasename("wav"), "mp3": c.getbasename("mp3"), "png": c.getbasename("png") if self.spectro else "NA", "date_extracted": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ), "uploaded": False, "project_id": "", "subject_set": "", "zooniverse_id": 0, "keyword": keyword, } for c in self.chunks ] ) # shuffle chunks so that they can't be joined back together # based on Zooniverse subject IDs self.chunks = self.chunks.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True) = "index" date ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") chunks_path = os.path.join(destination, "chunks_{}.csv".format(date)) parameters_path = os.path.join(destination, "parameters_{}.yml".format(date)) self.chunks.to_csv(chunks_path) print("exported chunks metadata to {}".format(chunks_path)) dump( { "parameters": parameters, "package_version": ChildProject.__version__, "date": date, }, open(parameters_path, "w+"), ) print("exported extract-chunks parameters to {}".format(parameters_path)) return chunks_path, parameters_path
[docs] def upload_chunks( self, chunks: str, project_id: int, set_name: str, zooniverse_login="", zooniverse_pwd="", amount: int = 1000, ignore_errors: bool = False, **kwargs ): """Uploads ``amount`` audio chunks from the CSV dataframe `chunks` to a zooniverse project. :param chunks: path to the chunk CSV dataframe :type chunks: [type] :param project_id: zooniverse project id :type project_id: int :param set_name: name of the subject set :type set_name: str :param zooniverse_login: zooniverse login. If not specified, the program attempts to get it from the environment variable ``ZOONIVERSE_LOGIN`` instead, defaults to '' :type zooniverse_login: str, optional :param zooniverse_pwd: zooniverse password. If not specified, the program attempts to get it from the environment variable ``ZOONIVERSE_PWD`` instead, defaults to '' :type zooniverse_pwd: str, optional :param amount: amount of chunks to upload, defaults to 0 :type amount: int, optional """ self.chunks_file = chunks self.get_credentials(zooniverse_login, zooniverse_pwd) metadata_location = os.path.join(self.chunks_file) try: self.chunks = pd.read_csv(metadata_location, index_col="index") except: raise Exception( "cannot read chunk metadata from {}.".format(metadata_location) ) assert_dataframe("chunks", self.chunks) assert_columns_presence( "chunks", self.chunks, {"recording_filename", "onset", "offset", "uploaded", "mp3"}, ) from panoptes_client import Panoptes, Project, Subject, SubjectSet Panoptes.connect(username=self.zooniverse_login, password=self.zooniverse_pwd) zooniverse_project = Project(project_id) subjects_metadata = [] uploaded = 0 subject_set = None for ss in zooniverse_project.links.subject_sets: if ss.display_name == set_name: subject_set = ss if subject_set is None: subject_set = SubjectSet() subject_set.links.project = zooniverse_project subject_set.display_name = set_name subjects = [] chunks_to_upload = self.chunks[self.chunks["uploaded"] == False].head(amount) chunks_to_upload = chunks_to_upload.to_dict(orient="index") if len(chunks_to_upload) == 0: print("nothing left to upload.") return for chunk_index in chunks_to_upload: chunk = chunks_to_upload[chunk_index] print( "uploading chunk {} ({},{})".format( chunk["recording_filename"], chunk["onset"], chunk["offset"] ) ) subject = Subject() subject.links.project = zooniverse_project subject.add_location( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.chunks_file), "chunks", chunk["mp3"]) ) subject.metadata["date_extracted"] = chunk["date_extracted"] try: except Exception as e: print( "failed to save chunk {}. an exception has occured:\n{}".format( chunk_index, str(e) ) ) print(traceback.format_exc()) if ignore_errors: continue else: print("subject upload halting here.") break subjects.append(subject) chunk["index"] = chunk_index chunk["zooniverse_id"] = str( chunk["project_id"] = str(project_id) chunk["subject_set"] = str(subject_set.display_name) chunk["uploaded"] = True subjects_metadata.append(chunk) if len(subjects) == 0: return subject_set.add(subjects) self.chunks.update(pd.DataFrame(subjects_metadata).set_index("index")) self.chunks.to_csv(self.chunks_file)
[docs] def retrieve_classifications( self, destination: str, project_id: int, zooniverse_login: str = "", zooniverse_pwd: str = "", chunks: List[str] = [], **kwargs ): """Retrieve classifications from Zooniverse as a CSV dataframe. They will be matched with the original chunks metadata if the path one or more chunk metadata files is provided. :param destination: output CSV dataframe destination :type destination: str :param project_id: zooniverse project id :type project_id: int :param zooniverse_login: zooniverse login. If not specified, the program attempts to get it from the environment variable ``ZOONIVERSE_LOGIN`` instead, defaults to '' :type zooniverse_login: str, optional :param zooniverse_pwd: zooniverse password. If not specified, the program attempts to get it from the environment variable ``ZOONIVERSE_PWD`` instead, defaults to '' :type zooniverse_pwd: str, optional :param chunks: the list of chunk metadata files to match the classifications to. If provided, only the classifications that have a match will be returned. :type chunks: List[str], optional """ self.get_credentials(zooniverse_login, zooniverse_pwd) from panoptes_client import Panoptes, Project, Classification Panoptes.connect(username=self.zooniverse_login, password=self.zooniverse_pwd) project = Project(project_id) answers_translation_table = [] for workflow in project.links.workflows: workflow_id = for task_id in workflow.tasks: n = 0 for answer in workflow.tasks[task_id]["answers"]: answers_translation_table.append( { "workflow_id": str(workflow_id), "task_id": str(task_id), "answer_id": str(n), "answer": answer["label"], } ) n += 1 answers_translation_table = pd.DataFrame(answers_translation_table) classifications = [] for c in Classification.where( scope="project", page_size=1000, project_id=project_id ): classifications.append(c.raw) classifications = pd.DataFrame(classifications) classifications["user_id"] = classifications["links"].apply(lambda s: s["user"]) classifications["subject_id"] = ( classifications["links"].apply(lambda s: s["subjects"][0]).astype(int) ) classifications["workflow_id"] = classifications["links"].apply( lambda s: s["workflow"] ) classifications["tasks"] = classifications["annotations"].apply( lambda s: [(str(r["task"]), str(r["value"])) for r in s] ) classifications = classifications.explode("tasks") classifications["task_id"] = classifications["tasks"].str[0] classifications["answer_id"] = classifications["tasks"].str[1] classifications.drop(columns=["tasks"], inplace=True) classifications = classifications[ ["id", "user_id", "subject_id", "task_id", "answer_id", "workflow_id"] ] classifications = classifications.merge( answers_translation_table, left_on=["workflow_id", "task_id", "answer_id"], right_on=["workflow_id", "task_id", "answer_id"], ) if chunks: chunks = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f) for f in chunks]) classifications = classifications.merge( chunks, left_on="subject_id", right_on="zooniverse_id" ) classifications.set_index("id").to_csv(destination)
[docs] def run(self, action, **kwargs): if action == "extract-chunks": return self.extract_chunks(**kwargs) elif action == "upload-chunks": return self.upload_chunks(**kwargs) elif action == "retrieve-classifications": return self.retrieve_classifications(**kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def setup_parser(parser): subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="action", dest="action") parser_extraction = subparsers.add_parser( "extract-chunks", help="extract chunks to <destination>, and exports the metadata inside of this directory", ) parser_extraction.add_argument("path", help="path to the dataset") parser_extraction.add_argument( "--keyword", help="export keyword", required=True ) parser_extraction.add_argument( "--chunks-length", help="chunk length (in milliseconds). if <= 0, the segments will not be split into chunks (default value: 0)", type=int, default=0, ) parser_extraction.add_argument( "--chunks-min-amount", help="minimum amount of chunks to extract from a segment (default value: 1)", default=1, ) parser_extraction.add_argument( "--spectrogram", help="the extraction generates a png spectrogram (default False)", action="store_true", ) parser_extraction.add_argument( "--segments", help="path to the input segments dataframe", required=True ) parser_extraction.add_argument( "--destination", help="destination", required=True ) parser_extraction.add_argument( "--profile", help="Recording profile to extract the audio clips from. If not specified, raw recordings will be used", default="", ) parser_extraction.add_argument( "--threads", help="how many threads to run on", default=0, type=int ) parser_upload = subparsers.add_parser( "upload-chunks", help="upload chunks and updates chunk state" ) parser_upload.add_argument( "--chunks", help="path to the chunk CSV dataframe", required=True ) parser_upload.add_argument( "--project-id", help="zooniverse project id", required=True, type=int ) parser_upload.add_argument( "--set-name", help="subject set display name", required=True ) parser_upload.add_argument( "--amount", help="amount of chunks to upload", required=False, type=int, default=1000, ) parser_upload.add_argument( "--zooniverse-login", help="zooniverse login. If not specified, the program attempts to get it from the environment variable ZOONIVERSE_LOGIN instead", default="", ) parser_upload.add_argument( "--zooniverse-pwd", help="zooniverse password. If not specified, the program attempts to get it from the environment variable ZOONIVERSE_PWD instead", default="", ) parser_upload.add_argument( "--ignore-errors", help="keep uploading even when a subject fails to upload for some reason", action="store_true", ) parser_retrieve = subparsers.add_parser( "retrieve-classifications", help="retrieve classifications and save them as <destination>", ) parser_retrieve.add_argument( "--destination", help="output CSV dataframe destination", required=True ) parser_retrieve.add_argument( "--project-id", help="zooniverse project id", required=True, type=int ) parser_retrieve.add_argument( "--zooniverse-login", help="zooniverse login. If not specified, the program attempts to get it from the environment variable ZOONIVERSE_LOGIN instead", default="", ) parser_retrieve.add_argument( "--zooniverse-pwd", help="zooniverse password. If not specified, the program attempts to get it from the environment variable ZOONIVERSE_PWD instead", default="", ) parser_retrieve.add_argument( "--chunks", help="list of chunks", nargs="+", required=True )